Introduction: I will compare fire effects from a low budget indie movie (Clerks 2), and compare it to computer graphics fire effects from a high production studio movie (Toy Story 3).
Thesis: Although computer graphics generated fire is more visually realistic, it could be out of the budget of independent filmmakers. I will explore alternative methods to simulate fire on screen.
1. How Toy Story 3 created fire in the scene where the gang is about to be incinerated in the dumpster.
- Used computer graphics algorithms.
- Mainly made use of lighting to insinuate that the characters are within an inferno.
2. How Clerks 2 created fire in the opening scene.
- The opening scene was in black and white so color would not be an issue.
- Real fire was filmed in front of a green screen and later composited over another green screen, so when the character opens the doors, fire can be seen raging from within.
3. Although Toy Story 3 had realistic fire effects, the lighting and color of the scene is what convinced viewers that the characters were surrounded by fire. Clerks opted to use real fire over a green screen which looked less convincing. Perhaps if the filmmakers had opted for more of a mood effect, by using lighting and sound, and showing minimal fire, it would have been more convincing.